Cornelia Helga Schulze

Soul & Business Whisperer

Psychic Analyst • Medium • Psychic Mentor

Seelenflüsterin Cornelia Helga Schulze ist Spirituelles Medium und kennt deinen Weg in ein gutes Leben

Willkommen ♦ Bienvenue Welcome

Cornelia Helga Schulze 

Psychic Trouble-Shooting

Soul & Business Whisperer

Hidden Blocks –
Unearthed Talents –

I can (literally) see all of it.

Spirituelle Symbole Spirituelles Coaching

How it works


Mysticism meets
The Modern

Without this winning formula, my life would have been nothing but serious health issues, anger & frustration
(mostly family business), and being bullied on the job.

Today, I am using my innate gifts of clairvoyance and multidimensional perception working as a professionally trained medium.
And I am a systemic coach.

My style is modern, down to earth & true to life.
Also I ‘m analytic, precise – and I love to laugh at the same time.

The information and messages I deliver are accurate, detailed statements that you can take action with.

I help people to make profound change come true – in such an easy way you never experienced before.


Receive Messages "from above"


Discover your Energy field (Aura, Body, Karma) the most holistic way ever


My Coaching & Mentoring results in significant Transformation, instantly!

Start building an
Unburdened, lightsome
Version of yourself.


Let’s work

Smooth and easy

Take advantage of my gifts & skills! When working with me you don’t have to take that much action.

Understand how deeply things are being intertwined and what the implications are. Where they are.

Embrace the opportunity to work with me to, for example, bring closure to certain aspects of the past. Real closure! Being free builds the trust to open up for better experiences – not just talk about them and beat around the bush (again)…

Botschaften aus dem Universum übermittelt spirituelles Medium Deutschland

Clarity & Support

Psychic Counseling

It’s not me who gives an answer to your questions, rather I pass on answers as well as messages from your helpers in the Spirit World, your Angels, Spirit Guides, Spirit Animals.
Ask your “team” or even your physical body any questions you may have. I assist you with the wording if needed. This is what a “reading”, also called a spiritual counseling, does for you.

Hellsichtiger Scan deines gesamten Enerergiefelds

Context & Solutions

In-Depth Scan

Be it a problem or doubts about your own abilities or purpose, etc.: There is an issue. What I do is scan your entire energy field and any level where helpful information is available. It’s like I read your Akashic Record and aura like a black box. Explanations, a topic outline and an overview of in which order the issues need to be solved, and when and how are provided.
From this point on, everything falls into place!
P.S. Only five percent of all psychics worldwide are allowed to access to the complete human system, I once have been told. I am one of them!

effektvolles Lifecoaching bei spirituellem Medium Berlin Deutschland

Letting go of & Receiving


Knowing what’s behind a problem is good, coming to terms with them in a smooth and easy way is so much better!

Love & Relationships, Diseases & Suffering, Job-related issues, Grief, Divorce, Break-ups, Loneliness. Next stage of life, Personal growth Processes, Finding your life’s purpose. New beginnings.

The advantage: I am a psychic, so we get straight to the soft spot. As your coach, we work on what truly makes a difference.

Spirituelles Business Mentoring bei hellsichtigem Medium Berlin Deutschland

Business Power

Business Whisperer

So many good reasons why things don’t work out or don’t provide purpose… – But are they what’s really behind?

What if the root causes are at totally different levels – yet no one has ever considered this?
I am a true spiritual “Sherlock”, and I always find out what the actual problem is.

My gifts combined with “regular” systemic coaching, I can help effectively and in the shortest possible time.

“You can’t create something new,
as long as you’re reacting to something old”

Peter Crone

The Animals featured on this Website

Some of them are my spirit animals, others impersonate real people.

For example, my great-grandma comes as a squirrel to look after me, handing over a present from time to time.
(Hi, Emma!)

Your Time is now.

Schluss damit, den Umständen die Schuld zu geben oder den Eltern oder den Ex-Partnern. Oder Karma.

We work on making your life lighter.

We unravel and remove what keeps you from being happy, healthy and successful.

With an emphasis on “permanently”.

We work on making your life lighter.

We unravel and remove what keeps you from being happy, healthy and successful.

With an emphasis on “permanently”.

Spirituelles Business Mentoring bei hellsichtigem Medium Berlin Deutschland

Easy. Effortless.

Create a new framework

♦ For living and loving the way you want (not “have”) to.

♦ For improved relationships with yourself, your body, your family, friends, partners, and job.

♦ Stop blaming the “current situation.” Or parents. Or ex-partners. Or karma.


I have changed significantly. I notice this myself, and I become even more aware when interacting with my son, who at 12 yrs is a whole two years younger than his classmates.

Johanna K.

Design Freelancer




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