Why I Work
With Ghosts
& such
Remember I was introducing spirit animals on the Frontpage?
Let’s have a glance at Lucinda, the giraffe!
Lovely Lucinda symbolizes the ability to envision the future and achieve things that would normally be out of reach. Lucinda’s spirit helps me to improve my ability to simply “know” things – as to “tell the future”.
As a Totem Animal, the giraffe belongs to those surefooted people who see the big picture but remain down-to-earth. It has a very strong personal code and lives it with pride (but not with ego).
P.S. I’m still working to adapt her ability to walk with that gorgious natural grace…
I was born in (West-)Berlin, Germany, during the cold war in the year 1970, and have both German and Austrian roots.
Nowadays, I am a professional psychic medium, and a systemic* coach (…which is the perfect combination!).
[* The systemic approach follows the assumption that starting with the position in the family (which is the first SYSTEM we experience) certain roles may deeply influence our positioning in relationships of any kind, in business – hence in life, and hence finds ways to bring it back in balance.)
The fusion of the human and the spiritual world enables me to provide highly effective analyzing & coaching methods to help everyone ready to gain their power back. The real source of blockages and loss of energy can be identified easily with my spiritual techniques. During the coaching sessions, we neutralize the sources to set you free from their negative impact.
But the way to get to where I currently am has been quite a difficult one!
How I crafted my Soul Mission
Ever since I can think I have been an introvert, and really bad with people.
After a serious accident the year I turned 16, I developed a serious physical problem – with pain like hell for almost three decades.
So, the “best years” my twenties and thirties I spent searching for a solution. I didn’t want to have constant pain. I wanted to feel ok, have fun, have friends, have a relationship.
I was bad with money. I felt powerless and (financially) poor – almost every single day. I also felt unattractive and dull – every single day. I was totally convinced that the solution would be to lose weight and change my job, then everything will fall into place.
It wasn’t
I guess that you might have already figured that instinctivley.
But, for decades I was convinced that my weight was the root problem.
It wasn’t.
Time jump:
In a nutshell: I gained my power back. I now own my actions. And I know something for sure: If there might ever occur something wild or bad again: I can master that, too.
Today I don’t have pain anymore. I’m in peace with how much I weigh. I feel well provided.
Every day I have a little bit more of a notion of how big my power really is. I choose what I do.
I know by heart that there will be no further problem I won’t be able to find a solution sooner or later.
What was wrong with me?
 Good question, is it? Eventually, I found the key.
I can tell today that besides troubles with parents, suppressed spirituality can also be a source of depression, physical pain and being an introvert. Having problems with money.
This is rather unknown.
Hence, activated spiritual gifts and abilities can be the cause of the opposite.
The whole story is available in the book
Soul Mission – Leaders ushering in the new Earth.
And before you frown and think, oh my, she wants to make money… this book is charity.
I don’t earn anything, but you mayl WIN so much, as it’s not only my story, but a lot of other value I provide. And there are my co-authors who also provide value.
It’s for charity, so go and get your copy.
Charity is Win-Win.
Earnings go to a project fighting child trafficking
After having found the spritual aproach to life
And while vorking with clients, weird and negative things happened with clients who wanted to contact their beloved in the hereafter while I tried my best to serve them. That had been frustrating and humiliating. This happens when you’re not fully aligned with that mission.
Funny things happened while doing light work, i.e. energetic clearings. Light bulbs exploded, and more:
“Cornelia, I don’t know how to tell you. But while you were doing it I peeked and saw three ghosts standing right behind you. One of them was Jesus. OMG!!”
I can tell I wasn’t entirely surprised. He’s a healer, too (unlike, for example, Elvis) – so why not collaborating with the healers who live nowadays?
A Major Epiphany (or two)
When I started to do some cross-over, combining methods in a way nobody else did, I found out that this was “it”. This is more powerful than any other technique. Since that major epiphany, I realized how fast my clients overcame their issues and were able to start over. Apart from struggling some more decades, they’re back on track after a few sessions. But the more important epiphany was that I had to allow myself to be more than simply a medium for the contact to the hereafter. To allow me to help people who actually are ALIVE on this beautiful planet.
I invite you to follow along!
Eventually found out that I have to commit to spiritual leadership. That may sound bold. But, over years, from different sources, I learned again and again that this had already been my job ages ago. And that I’m meant to be in this life again.
It took me two years to accept it. Spiritual leaders – aren’t they known for manipulative ego-trips…?
I literally became The Mistress Of Transformation –
not only in spirituality, but with self-worth and trouble-shooting as well.
(And believe me, I wasn’t born like that.)
If you weren’t either born like that, you’re in good hands. I’ll help you remove your blocks and take smart action. (No religion involved. Plus, you don’t have to become a spiritual person yourself if you don’t feel the need.
I’m not here to “convert” you, just to help you out.)
That’s how I eventually
♦ Learned where the blocks came from
♦ Got rid of them step by step
♦ Mastered the way to live and love I want to (not ‘have to’)
♦ Experienced improved relationships with myself, my family, friends, and partner
♦ Stopped the blame game with karma. Or parents. Or ex-partners.
♦ Started to combine spiritual methods, energy work and coaching – for the sake of my clients.
♦ Learned to always search for the root of any problem.
♦ Learned to experience my own rules and change them every time my inner compass tells me to do so
The systemic approach combined with
spiritual techniques and energy work
is THE way!
My Story is the best example.